Dream Bathroom!
Just the right amount of WOW!
(Photo: Unknown)
Don’t let that extra space under your staircase go to waste. Turn it into a pooch hide-out. Your furry friends need their special spot in the house also! Don’t have pets? Maybe a reading niche, wine storage or if you call TWD, they have even turned the space into a childs playroom as well.
(Photo: ljacobsendesign.com)
Idea Book: To save space try adding a stacked washer and dryer to make room for new cabinetry with a sink for a designer work area in your Laundry Room. Whether a small bar sink or a utility sink, having an area for washing hands or washing delicate clothes gives you more uses for your space. Decorative moulding can add that finishing touch that you are looking for as well.
The design team at TWD can help you design the perfect layout for your laundry room!
Your Laundry Room is a great room to make-over in your home. Most basic homes come with very basic Laundry Rooms, but why not add some hype, color and convenience to your space to make laundry chores a little more enjoyable. When you are ready to remodel, give TWD a call and don’t forget to include a sink with jets for your delicate washing!
(Photo: relaxdeco.com)
Instead of a standard utility sink in your Laundry Room, have a professional install a puppy shower for your furry friend! Keep your pets clean and have the space needed for washing out large household items.
(Photo: Houzz.com)
Does your closet need help? Over packed and under loved? A custom closet system can get you back on track and loving your “me” time in no time!
(Photos: TWD Showroom) #trendswithdesign #twdaz #homeremodeling #twdshowroom #customcloset
The life expectancy for ceramic and porcelain tile is 50 years vs. Man-Made Hardwood averaged at 25 years. Which is the most expensive? VCT at $1.83 per sf per year. Man-made hardwoods come in at $.74 per year. Ceramic and Porcelain tile adds value to any building if chosen from quality products.
– Cactus Stone & Tile Featured at TWD –
Instead of the standard integrated vanity sink bowls, we love this modern look!
(Photo: TWD Showroom)
Wouldn’t you love to come home from a stressful day at the office to soak in one of these? Not only are they a thing of the past, but have made their way back into the present. Free standing tubs add elegance to your bathroom.
(Photo: TWD Showroom) #trendswithdesign #twdaz #homeremodeling #twdshowroom
Porcelain plank wood looking tile have taken off in a big way. Many homeowners are preferring the porcelain wood plank to the actual wood products.
The Life Cycle Cost Analysis as noted by the Tile Council of America say ceramic and porcelain tile cost less than all other floor finishes over the life of a building. In fact, the life cycle cost is less than $.40 cents a year.
– Cactus Stone & Tile Featured at TWD –