The average mid-level bathroom remodel in Phoenix goes for right around $15,000, depending on what all you need done. However, if you’re not careful it’s easy to blow right over your budget. That’s why you’ll want to read the following guidelines for protecting your wallet when doing any type of bathroom remodeling in Phoenix.
Tip 1: Work Within the Room’s Footprint
Your dream bathroom may place your toilet, shower stall or sinks in different places than where they currently are, but you may need to reconsider creating a whole new footprint if budget is a top priority. That’s because moving the plumbing adds considerable expense to any bathroom renovation in Phoenix.
So what’s the solution? Work with an experienced designer to help you create a bathroom design you love which conforms to the current footprint. You may be surprised at how easy it is to create a whole new look and feel to your bathroom, even if the shower, sink and toilet remain in their current place.
Tip 2: Know When and How to Splurge
Sometimes there is a feature you absolutely want, but it doesn’t quite fit into your bathroom remodeling budget. The solution? Talk to your designer and remodeling contractor about a cost-efficient compromise.
One such compromise may be to find similar materials that give you the same look and feel, yet with a smaller price tag.
Another compromise would be to splurge, but sparingly. For example, if your budget doesn’t quite allow for the high-priced tiling that you’ve fallen in love with, then use this tiling for a decorative border, while opting for a lower-cost tiling for the bulk of the remodel.
Tip 3: Add a Cushion Into Your Budget
Just because you’ve set a specific budget for bathroom remodeling in Phoenix doesn’t mean you should spend every last penny of it. Instead, the smart thing to do is invest 90% of it into your bathroom renovation, while reserving the remaining 10% for unexpected expenses.
The reason? Because bathroom remodels, particularly in older homes, are notorious for revealing hidden problems. Your Phoenix home remodeling contractor won’t know there is a problem with the plumbing, drywall, flooring or electrical wiring until demolition starts.
Point is, you can save money on high-interest loans by reserving part of your budget upfront to pay for any hidden problems. If you don’t find any problems, then you have a little extra money for your decorating budget.
One final tip…
The best way to save money on bathroom remodeling in Phoenix is to work with Todd Whittaker Drywall, Inc. That’s because they have the background and experience to source good materials at affordable prices, plus they’re known all over the Phoenix valley for providing high quality workmanship that’s sure to last for years to come.
See for yourself what TWD can do for you by visiting their online portfolio and talking to the TWD remodeling experts today at