When you think of stucco, the first thing that pops to mind is the typical stucco exteriors on homes and businesses in Arizona. Stucco is a great choice for a building’s exterior, because it’s a protective coating that’s durable and looks great. Indeed, properly applied stucco can last for many years, so you may not need to call a contractor for stucco repair in Phoenix if you take care of your home.
However, stucco isn’t just for the exteriors of buildings. You can also use stucco in the following ways…
Build a BBQ Area
If you already have a stucco exterior on your home, then you can extend this design element out into the yard. One good way to do this is to build a BBQ area using stucco materials. Your Phoenix stucco contractor can match the color and texture of the BBQ area, fire pit or other entertainment area to the exterior of your home.
Install a Decorative Wall
Another great use for stucco is to use it when building a pony wall or other decorative wall. Indeed, you can install a pony wall as an attractive accent most anywhere.
A stucco pony wall looks great in projects such as surrounding a fire pit, BBQ area or even the pool from the rest of the yard.
Refinish Existing Structures
Still another thing your Phoenix stucco contractor can do is to refinish existing structures with a stucco exterior. For example, if you currently have a brick wall in your yard, your contractor can overlay a stucco exterior which matches the color and texture of the stucco on your home. It’s both beautiful and durable.
Whether you’re looking at adding a new stucco feature at your home, you want to refinish an existing structure, or you’re looking for Phoenix stucco repair, you’ll want to get in touch with the stucco experts at TWD. They’ve been doing stucco application and repair in Phoenix since 1996, so click here to find out what this experienced team can do for you: https://twdaz.com/services/stucco-application-services/.