Universal Design Makes Kitchen Cabinetry and Remodeling both Modern and Efficient

Universal Design Makes Kitchen Cabinetry and Remodeling Both Modern and Efficient
Modernizing a kitchen is about much more than looks. Universal design has been incorporated into today’s cabinetry to increase accessibility and the results benefit young and old of all abilities, while increasing both style and function.
TWD is well aware of the needs of …

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7 Bathroom Remodel Trends for 2016

Bathroom Remodel Trends

Remodeling your bathroom is one of the best investments you can make for adding to the salability of your home, but more importantly, a stylish and updated bathroom remodel makes your home much more enjoyable while you are in it. Starting the day with a positive outlook is much easier when you can bathe, shave, …

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What Type of Contractor Do YOU Need

What Contractor should you choose?

You know that you need to find an experienced contractor for your home remodeling project in Phoenix, but which type is right for you? Did you know there are a few different types of contractors out there? Depending on the size and complexity of your project will determine which is right for you.

Specialty …

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5 Things You Want to Know Before Hiring a Remodeling Contractor

Hiring The Right Remodeling Contractor

Your home is your castle, and when it’s time to make changes, you don’t want to take risks. That’s why it’s so important to work with the right remodeling contractor. Who you work with will be one of the most significant deciding factors in how the job turns out—not just in the quality of workmanship, …

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Stunning Design Trends for Your Dream Laundry Room

Stunning Design Trends for Your Dream Laundry Room

Doing laundry isn’t the worst job in the world, but few people put it anywhere near the top of their “favorite things to do” list either! Why not make this necessary chore much more pleasant by turning your laundry room into one of your favorite rooms in the house?
Here are some stunning trends in …

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Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen When You Have Kids

Kitchen Remodeling Tips for Kids

Families tend to spend a lot of time in and around the kitchen. Not only is that where the goodies are kept, but it’s also where moms and dads can often be found cooking, cleaning and putting away groceries. A dated kitchen isn’t as attractive for hanging out in, but more importantly, old appliances are …

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Remodeling Musts—Bathrooms Trends for the New Year

Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom is a primary factor in how well a home sells, so it’s especially worthwhile to incorporate modern design and long-term functionality.
TWD’s history as a Phoenix general contractor has led us to an emphasis on universal design, so we can make your home remodeling work to keep you comfortably in your home …

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Trends in Kitchen Design for 2016

While Downton Abbey’s residents may barely know where the kitchen is located, in a modern home it’s much more than the room where food is prepared. Kitchen trends are moving more and more into putting the kitchen in the middle of the action. It’s a place where families spend time together eating and even guests …

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New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick to—Home Version

Every new year, we make resolutions with the best intentions, but chances are, we won’t stick to them for long. Here are a couple of resolutions for your home that are easy to accomplish and pay off big.
Everyone wants to declutter and have less to worry about, and your home is …

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7 Must-Haves to Make Your Kitchen Remodel Amazing

Whether you are planning a kitchen remodel to make your home more enjoyable for yourself and your family, or you are looking to sell in the near future, these seven “must-have” items will take your kitchen to a new level of efficiency and comfort. We love this collection because they are very affordable, but will …

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