What’s Hot in Bathroom Remodeling—A Look at the Best Trends

Bathroom Remodeling Trends 2016

It’s a truism in real estate that bathrooms and kitchens are the rooms that have the most impact on whether a house will sell. So naturally, kitchen and bathroom remodeling are popular with homeowners who want to sell sometime soon as well as those who just want to make their home more contemporary and functional.
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Stay Safe and Sane While Remodeling with Kids at Home

Home Remodeling With Kids

Home remodeling is a challenging time for anyone, and when you have kids at home, it makes everything about the process more difficult. Kids are less patient with respect to not being able to access snacks or go in and out when they want to, and less able to delay bathroom usage, but even just …

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5 Bathroom Remodeling Tips to Make Your Bathroom Seem Larger


Enlarging a bathroom is a fantastic way to modernize your home, and bring in some of the hottest trends in home remodeling today. However, that kind of bathroom remodeling takes the price up into the highest level, and it may not be feasible in your home, either because it isn’t appropriate for the overall value …

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5 Top Kitchen Remodel Options and What They Cost


Does your kitchen need an update – but you aren’t sure what to do about it? Here are five of the top kitchen remodel tasks and the price ranges for them, to help you get a start on your planning. There is a wide range of products and prices available for most items, and we …

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Homeowner Do's and Dont's for a Successful Home Remodel

Working with a remodeling contractor isn’t something that most people do very often, and it can be difficult to figure out how to make sure you are getting a good deal, that they’ll do high-quality work, and that they’ll be a cooperative partner in the business agreement between the two of you. Here are a …

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Don’t Let These Myths Scare You Off of Home Remodeling


With all the excitement over “Ghost-busting” going on this summer, we thought we’d get in on the action with a little busting of our own—but we’ll stick to myth-busting and leave the ghosts to the pros. There are a few home remodeling myths that seem to have been lurking around, causing confusion for many years, …

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3 Remodeling Projects That Increase the Value of Your Home

home remodeling

A good Phoenix home remodeling project can add a lot of beauty and enjoyment to your home. Even better, many home improvement projects add value to your home as well. Some home remodels add more value than others, which is why you’ll want to take a look at the following three projects that increase the …

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5 Tips for Getting the Best Return on Your Bathroom Remodel


With the recovery of the housing market, not only are home sales increasing, but home remodeling is also becoming a better investment. One of the most impactful tasks to take on, whether you are remodeling to stay in your home or sell it, is a bathroom remodel. There are a lot of decisions involved in …

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5 Low-cost Bathroom Remodeling Projects with a High Return on Investment


Real estate people say it all the time: bathrooms and kitchens sell houses. Conversely, outdated kitchens and crummy bathrooms throw up barriers to sales like nothing else. Even if you aren’t looking to sell, it’s comforting to know that any bathroom remodeling you do is not only making your house nicer, but you will earn …

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Top Secrets for Saving Money on Home Remodeling


It’s no secret that home remodeling can be expensive, but it can make such a huge difference in how much you enjoy your home that it’s certainly worth doing. If you are concerned about the expense, we understand. Home remodeling jobs here in the Phoenix area run the gamut from a couple of thousand dollars …

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