Three Great Reasons to Install a Walk-In Shower

Bathroom Walk-in Showers

When it comes to doing a bathroom remodel, some of your biggest decisions will revolve around what to do with the bathing area. Should you install or upgrade an existing tub? Should you remove the tub? What’s right for you?
Turns out right now more and more homeowners are opting for a walk-in shower. Here …

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Tips and Tricks for Hiring the Right Phoenix Home Remodeling Contractor

TWD Office - Peoria

If you’re doing home remodeling in Phoenix this year, then one of the most important decisions you’ll make is whom to choose as your home remodeling contractor. A good contractor can make the entire process go smoothly, and the contractor will stay on time and on budget. On the other hand, a poor contractor can …

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Building Permits: A Must Read for All Homeowners

We have discussed the risks of hiring a cheap contractor, but let’s take it a step further. When “Joe Smith” contractor knocks on your door proclaiming that he can complete that home remodel or covered patio extension you’ve been wishfully dreaming about for 40% less than the reputable general contractors that you typically trust what …

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How to Make Sure Your Kitchen Cabinets Are a Great Investment

kitchen cabinets

If you’re like the average homeowner, then you’ll likely find that your kitchen cabinets will take the biggest bite out of your kitchen remodeling budget. On average, those doing a kitchen remodel tend to spend about 35% of their budget on kitchen cabinets. That means you need to choose your cabinets wisely if you want …

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Three Trendy Kitchen Remodeling Ideas for 2015

kitchen remodeling ideas

Your kitchen is the heart of the home, which is why so many homeowners place a high priority on doing a kitchen remodel. Not only does a well-done remodel add beauty, but more importantly adds functionality to the hub of your home. If you too have considered a kitchen renovation this year, then you’ll want …

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Five Surprising Home Remodeling Trends That Every Homeowner Ought to Know

home remodeling

If you’re thinking about doing some home remodeling in Phoenix this year, then you’ll want to know about these exciting remodeling trends that are sweeping the nation. How many of these trends appeal to you?
Budgets Are Going Up
Talk to just about any Phoenix home remodeling contractor or designer, and you’ll hear the same …

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Five Big Ideas for Small Bathrooms

Bathroom Remodel

If there’s one complaint common among homeowners – especially those with older homes – it’s that the bathroom is small. The good news is that you can make the room feel bigger with some clever bathroom remodeling in Phoenix – for example, good lighting can go a long way in creating the illusion of a …

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Three Smart Tips for Doing a Budget Kitchen Remodel in Phoenix

budget Kitchen Remodeling

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a big budget to make a big impact when you’re doing a kitchen remodel in Phoenix. You just need to get a little creative and allocate your budget wisely. You can start with the old standby: a fresh coat of paint. Then take a look at the following …

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What the Experienced Stucco Repair Team at TWD Can Do For You

stucco repair expert

Are you in need of stucco repair in Phoenix or a neighboring city? If so, you’ll want to call on the skilled and experienced team at Todd Whittaker Drywall, Inc. They’ve been doing commercial and residential stucco repair and application since 1996, so you’ll get your job done right the first time.
Take a look …

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Does Your Stucco Repair Contractor Know the Difference Between EIFS and Stucco?

stucco repair services

An experienced stucco repair contractor should know the difference between stucco and EIFS (exterior insulation finishing system), which is sometimes referred to as a synthetic stucco. However, while a stucco contractor may know the difference, many of them don’t really know how to repair or apply EIFS. That’s why you’ll want to figure out if …

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